

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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This is an exciting day. We’ve just released a new final version of Photojunction Remix (1.30) and in it, we introduce the new Photojunction Store. Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, this has huge potential. An ‘online marketplace' may be a better name as the store enables you to buy and sell templates, actions and e-books – or whatever you think other photographers may be interested in. Since we made Photojunction free our active user base, downloads and registrations have all jumped dramatically. Partnering with the Photojunction Store offers you a way to reach those masses, sell your To View More >>

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I got an email from Mark Miller today, and he's happy for me to share it and comment. I wanted to let you know how much I've been enjoying Queensberry Connects lately, specifically the posts about how QBY albums differentiate us as photographers from our competition and the idea that press-books are everywhere. I have a couple of comments/questions that I hope might add to the conversation: 1. QBY albums differentiate us as photographers - my clients love my (your) albums but they don't know who Queensberry are (I tell them all about you 'You're the best in the World' etc), but I don't think they To View More >>

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More feedback on my email, Your next album company It's hard to compete ... We've seen a massive influx of photographers from Eastern Europe charging very low prices and supplying reasonable products.I understood the impact of this EU "migration" in British hotels and restaurants, but I honestly hadn't thought about the impact on photographers (Jo and Kirsten will be shaking their heads!). Even so I feel that this kind of competition is always with us ... in one form or other. The purpose of outstanding presentation is to add value to your photography. That's why,whoever you use, your albums must To View More >>

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More feedback on my email, Your next album supplier Changing to Queensberry is like changing my Ford Focus for a top range Audi ... Not sure many people are going to cope with that. Depends what you mean by "many". But certainly we never expect most people to choose Queensberry. Products that differentiate need to be aspirational (ie more people want them than can have them). That applies to your own "products" too, of course. In business, rather than ask how much something costs, it's useful sometimes to ask how much it's worth. And how it positions you in your market. There were 42 album companies To View More >>

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If you're finding this year tough, and you've said, or thought, what's wrong, I'm not doing anything different... right there may be your problem. Just as things changed when you switched from film to digital, or PC to Mac, or Nikon to Canon, things have changed with the end of the party economy... Have you heard how much the Las Vegas convention industry is suffering because it's not a good look for corporations to go there to "party" when times are tough? This is probably not the best time to be selling party souvenirs. Your work needs to be significant, worthwhile, to survive the end of the To View More >>

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